“Internet Instruction” is today’s trend for a lot of us, looking for the best method, latest system, or even just a quick tip. As a result, there is a TON of information available at the tip of our fingers. As a matter of fact, there is so much conflicting information it can get quite confusing for many of us.
Due to availability, finances, and travel, often times it can be quite difficult to get together for that intimate one on one session that most of us desire. For that reason alone, Flatstick TV was created as a channel for me to share information and insight with the world.
Flatstick Academy is YOUR “On-Iine” Putting Academy that will provide you with “world-class” information, at an affordable price. while sitting in the comforts of your own home. Sit back, and tune in, to Flatstick TV and browse the channels that APPLY TO YOUR PUTTING IMPROVEMENT!
With two great options there is no wrong choice!
The all-inclusive membership gives you full access to all of Flatstick Academy’s videos and educational articles.
The ultimate experience. Learn from David himself, in person, at beautiful Pine Needles Lodge and Golf Club.